Singapore Airlines offers $10,000 compensation to passengers who suffered minor injuries on flight hit by violent turbulence, will discuss higher payouts with those more badly hurt.

Singapore Airlines has announced that it will provide $10,000 in compensation to passengers who sustained minor injuries during a flight that experienced extreme turbulence last month. The airline has also stated that it is open to discussing individual compensation packages with passengers who suffered more serious injuries. In addition, Singapore Airlines will be providing full refunds to all passengers on the affected flight, regardless of whether they sustained injuries or not.


In a statement on Tuesday, the airline said it had sent out emails offering US$10,000 in compensation to passengers who sustained minor injuries during the incident.

“For those who sustained more serious injuries… we have invited them to discuss a compensation offer to meet each of their specific circumstances when they feel well and ready to do so,” the airline said.

“Passengers medically assessed as having sustained serious injuries, requiring long-term medical care, and requesting financial assistance are offered an advance payment of US$25,000 to address their immediate needs.

“This will be part of the final compensation that these passengers will receive.”

In addition, the carrier said it would refund the airfares of all passengers on the flight, including those who were not injured.

“All passengers will also receive delay compensation in accordance with the relevant European Union or United Kingdom regulations,” it said.

Under the Montreal Convention, airlines are liable for damgages for the injury or death of passengers while on an airplane.

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