Zelensky: I am willing to take Trump to Ukrainian front lines


Volodymyr Zelensky has said he is willing to take US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump to the Ukrainian frontline, amid concerns about wavering support among Republicans for the war effort.

The Ukrainian president, who spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, warned that a lack of long-range weapons is limiting the country’s fightback against Vladimir Putin’s forces.

“Keeping Ukraine in the artificial deficits of weapons, particularly in deficit of artillery and long range capabilities allows Putin to adapt to the current intensity of the war,” he told those attending.

Mr Zelensky used the conference to urge the West to continue to back the Ukrainian armed forces, as the two-year anniversary of the invasion approaches.

But Republicans aligned to former president Donald Trump have been vocal in expressing scepticism about funding for the fight in eastern Europe.

British Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron, who is also at the conference, has been among the European leaders urging US politicians to back a multibillion-dollar foreign aid package making its way through Congress.

On Saturday, he said backing from the UK, the European Union and Washington would make a “real difference” to the fight against Russia.

The bill has passed through the Senate but faces a deeply uncertain future in the House of Representatives, where hardline Republicans aligned with Mr Trump oppose the legislation.

Mr Zelensky said that he was willing to show Mr Trump the “real” war.

“If Mr Trump will come, I am ready to go with him to the frontline.”

“What does it mean, the real war, not Instagram, the real war,” the Ukrainian president said.

Mr Zelensky’s appearance came as Ukraine’s military chief said early on Saturday that he is withdrawing troops from Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, where they have battled a Russian assault for four months.

Lord Cameron, who has been explicit in his call for Republicans to back Ukraine, did not comment directly on the withdrawal but pointed to successes for Kyiv elsewhere.

“Things that happen in Ukraine, that is for the Ukraine armed forces to decide.

“But I would point you towards the Black Sea, where yet again another Russian ship has been sunk by incredibly brave Ukrainian action.”

Senior Tory MPs including foreign affairs committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns…

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