The family of Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, a 24-year-old Ukrainian journalist who died while reporting on the war in Ukraine on March 14, 2022, filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Fox News on Thursday.
The lawsuit was filed in New York State Supreme Court by Kuvshynova’s parents and Shane Thomson, a security advisor for SEPAR, a UK-based security agency that was contracted at the time by Fox News.
The suit accuses the news organization of neglect, saying it took a crew of journalists employed and contracted by Fox News into an active war zone despite multiple warnings from local officials and a security consultant who advised them against doing so.
Andriy Kuvshynov, Sasha’s father, had concerns about whether his daughter had been needlessly endangered soon after her death. In 2022, he told Business Insider: “I don’t understand how a decision was taken for Fox News to go where it was dangerous, where there was a live threat.”