Putin sending Russian kids to punishing summer camp in pal Kim Jong-un’s North Korea


Mad Vlad is plotting to ship Russian kids off to a gruelling summer camp in North Korea to polish statues of Kim Jong-un.

Grigory Gurov, the mastermind behind Putin’s Movement of the First Youth Organisation, sparked concern amongst Russian parents after unveiling plans to send their loved ones to Songdowon camp on North Korea’s eastern shore. Built-in 1960, the camp was designed to ‘develop relations with foreign countries’.

The Dictator’s Disneyland-esque park is said to feature water slides, a diving board, a full-sized football pitch, an archery range, a basketball court, and rides. But while Gurov insists the conditions of the camp are ‘good’, previous visitors have shed light on the ruthless conditions.

Yuri Frolov visited Songdowon as a teenager back in 2015, and says he returned to Russia as ‘skins and bones’ just two weeks later after being fed mainly rice and buns.

According to The Times, Frolov was forced to clean statues of North Korean leaders with brooms before enduring cartoons of characters bombing the White House. Then, they’d be made to sing a round of patriotic songs. “I couldn’t understand what we were singing, I just read the Russian transcription, but we were told it was about the three Kims,” he told NK News.


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