Political prosecution of ordinary citizens is already happening; It’s why Trump must win in 2024

The radical left is already targeting regular Americans — not just former President Donald Trump — and that is why he must win in 2024, Joeylynn Mesaros told Breitbart News at the Turning Point USA Young Women’s Leadership Summit (YWLS).

Mesaros is a Texas mom who became an outspoken advocate for free speech after becoming a victim of lawfare at the hands of the Biden campaign. She told Breitbart News her story, as she says her family has faced years of lawfare at the hands of the Biden officials.

“I think the majority of the American people don’t believe that what’s happening with Trump could happen to them, but I’m here to say not only is it already happening to regular people, it’s been happening to me for almost four years,” she said.

“I’m a homeschool mom here in New Braunfels, Texas. And I’m getting sued by Biden’s White House officials for flying Trump flags next to the Biden bus when it drove through Texas in 2020,” she said, explaining that there are “zero criminal charges.”

“What’s so crazy about this is they’re suing us for emotional damage and wanting financial compensation for our exercise of free speech,” she said, explaining that in 2020, she actually was not sure who she would vote for. But she was shocked to be called names by her friend after telling her she was likely going to vote for Trump.

“We had noticed the Trump trains, which were essentially a parade of vehicles that would drive around and 2020 getting really excited about the presidential election coming up. … We thought that might be a great place to make new friends, and we had only been participating in the parades for about three weeks when the Biden-Harris campaign bus drove through New Braunfels, and we thought it would be fun to drive next to them and show our support for President Trump,” she said, adding, “We could have never imagined that our lives would change forever.”

“When I realized I had a constitutional right to free speech and that they were infringing on it, which I did not know until I got sued and a neighbor told me this is free speech how can they do this? And I thought to myself, ‘What does that mean?” she said, explaining that the lawsuit drove her to learn more about the founding documents and the fundamental rights we have as Americans.

“I saw what our founding fathers wanted to guarantee for us, because they couldn’t predict the future. They had lived in tyranny. They’d seen what happens when the wrong people are in charge. And so I’m here thinking, ‘Oh, we have to fight. We’re Christians. We’re full of faith.’ … We are weak right now because we’re under attack. And so God has to be the one to bring the truth and a victory,” she said, explaining that her family cashed out their 401k to retain an attorney “because nobody was willing to pro bono offer their services because they advised this was lawfare” and that the process itself would be their punishment.

“The intent would be that the process is the punishment and that we wouldn’t be able to afford an attorney because it would last for years, and they have not been wrong. We’ve been in this for four years, and it has been the result of fundraising with the help of average Americans and grassroots efforts we’ve even been able to stay in the game this far,” she said.

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