New poll reveals Biden behind Trump in six of seven battleground states


President Joe Biden trails his presumptive GOP opponent, former President Donald Trump, in nearly every battleground state that helped decide the 2020 election, according to a new poll.

Results from a Wall Street Journal poll released on Tuesday show that Trump leads Biden in most of the competitive 2024 states regardless of whether third-party candidates are factored in. The exception to the trend is Wisconsin, which shows the candidates tied in a head-to-head matchup and Biden ahead by three points if third-party and independent candidate options are available.

In Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, Trump maintains an edge over Biden in a head-to-head contest. Trump’s lead varies from a low of one point in Georgia to a high of six points in North Carolina.

If third-party and independent candidates are added as options, Trump’s advantage grows in Georgia and North Carolina while slipping some in Michigan.

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