Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law, ex-lover Hallie says she’s ‘ashamed’ of using crack after first son introduced her to drug


Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie Biden testified Thursday that the first son introduced her to crack cocaine in the summer of 2018 and she was “embarrassed” and regretted “that time of my life.”

Hallie, the widow of Hunter’s brother, Beau Biden, told a federal court that she had become romantic with Hunter, now 54, in either late 2015 or early 2016 — and soon found out he used the addictive street drug.

“I found it [crack] and Googled it because I didn’t know what it was,” Hallie said of the first time she saw the substance in her Wilmington home. “He told me what it was, crack cocaine.”

She explained that she began using in June 2018, when the pair were on a trip in California and staying at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles.

When prosecutor Leo Wise asked Hallie “who had introduced you” to crack, the witness was quick with a response.

“Hunter did,” Hallie answered. “It was a terrible experience I went through and I’m embarrassed and I’m ashamed. I regret that time of my life.”

Hallie said she had quit by August 2018, but Hunter continued to use.

Early in her testimony, Hallie said she and Hunter had known each other since they were in middle school and their romance blossomed gradually after Beau’s death from brain cancer on May 30, 2015.

She testified that Hunter didn’t deny using crack when she first confronted him. Later in their relationship, Hallie recalled, she saw him smoke it and even went with him on drug deals.

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