Dad of 13-year-old girl raped by illegal immigrant suspect breaks silence as locals lay into Dem politicians

A distraught New York City father is speaking out against President Biden’s border policy after his 13-year-old daughter was viciously raped in a public park in broad daylight by an illegal immigrant suspect.

The dad, whose name was withheld to protect his daughter’s identity, told the New York Post that “this is what happens” when illegal migrants are allowed across the border.

“The open border policy, I have never agreed with, because that just invites a lot of things that we don’t need,” he said. “And look what came in.”

“Look what happened to my daughter,” he said.

Look what happened to my daughter.

— Father of 13-year-old raped in Queens park by migrant suspect

The 13-year-old’s father told the outlet that he has been “going through hell” since the attack.

“It just turned my world upside down, and the healing process has yet to begin… My mind is really swirling with all of the anger I have right now,” he said.

When asked about how his young daughter is doing following the brazen attack, he said, “”You can’t even imagine. So let’s just leave it at that.”

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