Biden demonstrates he’s a vegetable


The president of the United States is a yam or a squash or some other sort of vegetable because he is no longer sentient.

I say this after some consideration and after reading a very long interview that he did with Time Magazine. He’s on the cover of Time — which is basically a defunct magazine at this point — gazing out stonily, standing over the Resolute desk staring into the camera in black and white, with a headline reading, “If He Wins.”

Time is doing its best to try and massage him through this campaign. In their piece behind the cover, they say, “In the time we spent with the President, he remembered long-ago encounters with historic figures ranging from Pope John Paul II to Henry Kissinger. He recalled the words of historian Jon Meacham, who told Biden after the President entered the Oval Office on Inauguration Day that the country had not been as divided since the days of Lincoln, nor the future of its democracy as challenged since those of FDR. The overall impression Biden left us with is one of a man in conversation with history, both the country’s and his own.”

But when you read the interview, what you come away with is a president who’s in conversation with the walls, perhaps with his gruel. This president is no longer with us.

That’s not just because he’s got all the wrong principles. It’s not just because he has effectively set America’s foreign policy on fire, while also lighting the jet fuel under the inflationary economy that Americans have been suffering through.

The transcript of the interview exposes that he is no longer with us. Time did not release the tape of the interview, likely because he stumbles over himself. He is verbally what he is physically, such as when he attempted to climb up a flight of stairs into Air Force One. This matters — because the rest of the world can see it.


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