Biden condemns ‘outrageous’ abortion ruling in Florida


US President Joe Biden criticized Tuesday an “outrageous” Florida supreme court ruling that paved the way for six-week abortion ban, seizing on an issue that the Democrat hopes could boost his reelection chances.

The decision by the southern state’s conservative-dominated court on Monday threw Florida into the heart of an increasingly bitter nationwide fight over reproductive rights ahead of November’s US presidential election.

“Yesterday’s extreme decision puts desperately needed medical care even further out of reach for millions of women in Florida and across the South,” Biden said in a statement.

“Yesterday’s extreme decision puts desperately needed medical care even further out of reach for millions of women in Florida and across the South,” Biden said in a statement.

Biden said the court’s decision was set to trigger a Republican-backed law slashing the current limit of 15 weeks to six “before many (women) even know they are pregnant.”

“It is outrageous,” he said.

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