16 States have Colorado-style lawfare campaigns to remove Trump from the ballot.


Colorado, where the state Supreme Court has narrowly decided to remove Donald Trump from the GOP primary ballot, is not alone in seeing efforts to stop the American people from deciding whether or not to reelect the 45th President. Sixteen states are now processing lawsuits seeking to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, designed to keep Confederates charged with insurrection and rebellion out of high office, to shut the MAGA kingpin out of the democratic process.

Michigan, Oregon, New Jersey, and Wisconsin, are dealing with 14th Amendment cases in their state courts. Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming have lawsuits pending in federal district courts.

Cases against the former president have already been dismissed in Arizona and Michigan, but are being appealed. A case in Maine will be heard by the Secretary of State in the coming days, due to quirks of state law.