At-home saliva test to detect prostate cancer ‘better than blood samples’ – and could ‘turn the tide’ on killer disease


MEN could be checked for prostate cancer with a simple saliva test after a trial found it works better than blood testing.

It could save them unnecessary GP visits and embarrassing physical exams.

Scientists at the Institute for Cancer Research in London said the DIY spit test would catch more aggressive tumours and lead to fewer false alarms than the current NHS system.

Men simply spit into a tube at home and send the sample off for lab analysis.

Their DNA is checked for high risk genes or damage that could indicate prostate cancer, which is the most common type in men, with 52,000 cases per year.

Patients with the most concerning results are sent for further scans and exams, while those with low-risk scores can be discharged.

Study author Professor Ros Eeles, from the ICR and Royal Marsden Hospital, said: “This test could turn the tide on prostate cancer.

“We have shown that a simple, cheap spit test to identify men at higher risk due to their genetic makeup is an effective tool to catch the cancer early.

“We can identify men at risk of aggressive cancers who need further tests, and spare the men who are at lower risk from unnecessary treatments.

“Our next step will be to test the genetic markers on diverse populations to ensure this test can benefit all men.”


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