The Morning Briefing: Seditious Manhattan jury shows what a ‘threat to democracy’ looks like


Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Shrumreth took great pride in being Treasurer Emeritus of the Greater Orlando Wayland and Madame Devotion Society. 

So… what do you guys want to talk about today?

Being kind of Zen about politics has been my thing for several years now. Kevin Downey Jr. told me that it freaks him out when I get angry about the news. When the verdict came in on Thursday afternoon it was exactly what I thought it would be, yet I still got a little wound up. 

It’s not that I never get angry; it’s that I work on not letting things linger and fester. I get it out of my system. Blowing off steam here is a big part of that. My emotional response to the Manhattan madness was to buy ammo, go for a long walk on a hot day, then donate some money to Trump. 

It mostly worked, but I think we all know that this one is going to gnaw at all of us for a while.

This is from something Kevin wrote right after the news hit: 

I knew the fix was in for Trump when the White House revealed Biden would pull up his Depends adult diapers and give a talk after the verdict was released.

I also knew the guilty verdict would, like every other accusation they’ve thrown against Trump, make him stronger. To quote my Motor City hometown hero Bob Seger, “Every time they were sure they had you caught, you were quicker than they thought. You just turned your head and walked.”

Regular readers here know that I’ve felt like that all along. I said a few times yesterday that this verdict is “Trump’s radioactive spider bite.” The corrupt, anti-American jurors have just given him superpowers and may very well end up choking on their Constitution-shredding ways. 

Early reactions would seem to indicate that, anyway. The donation page on Trump’s campaign website crashed from all of the traffic, which Matt wrote about here. By the time I donated, it was back up but still so bogged down it was like being on AOL dial-up in 1997.

I stayed glued to Twitter/X for a while and saw a lot of people who were either done with Trump or had never voted for him say that the trial changed their minds. Originally, I had intended to write a whole column about that, but then decided that a tweet and a mention here would suffice:

While this all could — and should — work out in Trump’s favor, it is still a disturbing watershed moment in American history. Paula summed it up well

Remember the Left’s biggest complaint about Trump in the early days of his presidency? They wept and gnashed their teeth whenever he acted outside the box, claiming he violated presidential norms. “This is not normal!” they lamented over and over again. 

Now we know it was all projection. None of this is normal, and we cannot accept it as the new normal. 

That’s the key: we cannot allow some unhinged, lawless commies who are plagued by daddy issues to define “normal” for the United States of America. In my classic book “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” I said that progressivism is the toddler mindset manifested in adulthood. When toddlers don’t get their way, they throw a tantrum. 

The pathetic toddlers on the American Left didn’t get their way in 2016 and have been throwing the longest diaper-filling, snot-bubbling tantrum on record ever since. 

The Democrats have been trying to scare people into voting for them by saying that Trump is “a threat to Democracy.” There’s no point in trying to explain that the United States isn’t a democracy because they’re not interested in facts. 


However, we’ll stick with their catchphrase for a moment. The Democrats have shown us precisely who is the real threat to democracy. My RedState colleague Bob Hoge wrote about RFK Jr.’s response to the verdict, which was spot-on: “You can’t save democracy by destroying it first.” 

My colleagues and I are all focused and energized now. The Townhall Mothership is making lemonade out of lemons by offering an amazing SIXTY PERCENT discount through the end of today for new VIP subscribers when you use the promo code WITCHHUNT. That brings the price of VIP Gold under 3 bucks a month. With that you get access to all of the Townhall Media premium content from the likes of me, VodkaPundit, Kurt Schlichter, Cam Edwards, Larry O’Connor, and Ed Morrissey. If you subscribe this morning, you can join me and my good friend and co-host Stephen Green for our VIP Gold live chat, “Five O’Clock Somewhere.” Mr. Morrissey will be joining us and I think I know what the topic of discussion will be. 

Our VIP content is a great blend of serious political writing, cultural critiques, and just plain goofiness. It’s also where we can write about things that Google docks our pay for, like climate change, trans madness, and election fraud. 

Three bucks a month to join the party, my friends. We’re keeping the price Bidenomics friendly. 

We’re grateful for all of you in these ridiculous times. 

Have a fantastic weekend. I’m wrapping up a five-day fast and will be face-down in some chili. 

This article originally appeared on PJ MEDIA.

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