Analyst thinks there may be a secret plot underway to replace Biden

Political analyst reveals why he thinks there may be a secret plot underway to replace Biden as Democrats’ presidential candidate

  • Former Ohio Governor John Kasich believes Democrats might replace Joe Biden 
  • Kasich cited poor polling and Biden’s weak public speaking performances
  • GOPer Kasich supported Biden in 2020 and has endorsed him for re-election


The former Republican governor of Ohio has said he believes there could be a secret plot underway that would see the Democrats replace Biden before the election.

John Kasich said he believes poor polling data coupled with the president’s weak public speaking has given the party a reason to look for alternative candidate. 

Kasich, 72, made the assertions on Democrat-leaning MSNBC on Friday night.

‘I’m starting to wonder that there’s a real possibility that Joe Biden will not be the Democrat nominee,’ Kasich began.

‘The fact that the economy is not turning, the fact that people are saying it’s a terrible economy for them, the fact that they’ve said they don’t have any confidence Joe Biden can fix it, his public appearances have not been very good, and now they’ve agreed to two debates, which is as out there as you can get.’ 

It left host Jose Diaz-Balart incredulous as he demanded to know where the governor had come up with such information.

‘Governor, where is this coming from?’ Diaz-Balart asked. 

‘I see what these numbers are like, Jose,’ Kasich said. ‘I mean, you had a poll, that Siena poll, that indicated last week, not only did they think he couldn’t fix the economy – and they put Trump way ahead of him – but they also said they’re not sure he’s as competent as Trump.’

‘I mean these are really significant numbers,’ Kasich went on, citing polling data that suggests Trump is currently beating Biden in swing states.

Aside from polling information, Kasich said he has had conversations with ‘a lot of people’ which he believed further supports his claim. 

Kasich also shared his fears over the two planned presidential debates.

‘I don’t know how that’s going to go, and I’m just beginning to wonder,’ he said. 

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