Stanford student accuses classmate of advocating Biden’s assassination over Palestinian issue

Theo Baker, a student at Stanford University, revealed that the debate on campus over the Israel-Hamas war has become extremely hostile, with some students even calling for the death of President Biden

“One of the section leaders for my computer-science class, Hamza El Boudali, believes that President Joe Biden should be killed,” Baker wrote in an Atlantic article published Tuesday. “I’m not calling for a civilian to do it, but I think a military should,’ the 23-year-old Stanford University student told a small group of protesters last month.” 

“I’d be happy if Biden was dead,” the student allegedly said. 

“I’m not calling for a vigilante to do it,” El Boudali said, “but I’m saying he is guilty of mass murder and should be treated in the same way that a terrorist with darker skin would be (and we all know terrorists with dark skin are typically bombed and drone striked by American planes).” 

“He thinks that Stanford is complicit in what he calls the genocide of Palestinians, and that Biden is not only complicit but responsible for it,” Baker wrote of El Boudali.

“El Boudali has also said that he believes that Hamas’s October 7 attack was a justifiable act of resistance, and that he would actually prefer Hamas rule America in place of its current government (though he clarified later that he ‘doesn’t mean Hamas is perfect’). When you ask him what his cause is, he answers: “Peace.'”

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