Trump’s fundraising channels devote over $10 million to legal fees in 2024, while Biden invests in ads & staff expansion

President Biden’s campaign starts March with a cash reserve of $71 million, showcasing a significant fundraising edge, more than doubling the amount held by former President Donald Trump.

At the outset of the month, the Trump campaign held $33.5 million, with an additional $3.5 million added. However, a considerable portion was allocated to advertising, travel, and campaign activities, especially amidst the pressure from Nikki Haley leading up to the March 5 Super Tuesday contests.

Trump’s legal expenses have also been escalating, with his campaign and supportive super PACs collectively spending over $10 million in legal fees in 2024 alone.

Save America PAC, primarily funding Trump’s legal defenses, disbursed more than $5.5 million solely on legal expenses in February, reaching a total expenditure of over $8.5 million this year. Additionally, there’s an outstanding debt of around $500,000 owed to Trump’s attorneys, carried forward into March.

Moreover, Trump’s campaign allocated over $1.7 million towards legal fees in the initial two months of the year.

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