14 lives lost to searing heat during Holy Pilgrimage in Mecca

At least 14 Jordanian citizens have tragically lost their lives during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, with officials citing intense heat as the cause. Jordan’s foreign ministry reported that the pilgrims suffered from sunstroke due to an extreme heatwave. Additionally, 17 Jordanian citizens have been reported missing, with searches ongoing. Iranian authorities have also confirmed the deaths of five Iranian pilgrims, although the causes of their deaths have not been specified.

The Jordanian foreign ministry is working with Saudi authorities to handle the burial or transportation of the deceased according to the wishes of their families.

Hajj is one of the largest mass gatherings in the world. More than 1.8 million pilgrims are taking part this year, according to Saudi officials.

But it has a history of deadly catastrophes, including stampedes and tent fires. But most years, the main challenge comes from intense heat.

Temperatures exceeded 46C (114.8F) this week, making many of the rituals that are performed outdoors and on foot challenging especially for the elderly.


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